Sunday, May 3, 2009


Tamara called in sick tomorrow, I have a meeting from noon - 2. So both Lawr and I are taking half days to make it work. Good posts to come of the Tulip festival and Addie's 22 months and S'crap'booking, etc. But not tonight, I must work...I have a cold, but may I call in sick? no. I guess if she has swine flu, I'll be glad, but I assume she is just stressed out because she has finals this week and also she moved this weekend and is tired. Sigh. I already hired Katy out to a friend of a friend tomorrow to get some work until subbing picks up and until I need her for the summer in June...darn favors! :) My in laws will be here to save the day on Thursday...but can we wait three days? I guess that just leaves Tuesday and Wednesday to figure out.

I hope Sabine never gets sick! :)

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