Wednesday, March 25, 2009

This precious generation.

This morning I found out that Lawrence's Great Aunt passed away. Even though I have never met her I felt very sad when I heard the news, the threat of tears stinging my eyes. The lump in my throat hasn't gone away. Perhaps it is deep and genuine sadness I feel for Carol, my mother-in-law and her loss, perhaps it is thinking about the pain that Betty's children and grandchildren are feeling right now, and perhaps it is the realization that there are fewer of my grandparents generation each day. This precious generation.

In any case, I wanted to write that I am sorry for those that are hurting over the loss of their loved one, Betty Berkowitz, and in my sadness I thought, for a woman who lived as long as she did with lots of stories left to tell, someone should dedicate their blog to her today.

Reminding us all to appreciate our loved ones, don't sweat the small stuff, and to take each day with our elders as a true gift.

This one is for you, Aunt Betty, may you rest in peace, may comfort be with your loved ones, and may your sore, aged, parkinson's body now feel free of pain and young again.

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